Dru Yoga Teacher Training Q&A | DruYoga.com



Dru Yoga Teacher Training Q&A

23 May, 2024

Find out about the Dru yoga teacher training course and whether it's right for you ... 

Why do people complete the Dru Yoga teacher training course?

  • The course acts as a brilliant anchor helping people during periods of stress to feel nurtured by relaxation, postures and sequences that energise and re-charge 
  • For self-development the course enables growth in resilience levels, self-belief and qualities like steadiness, strength and confidence 
  • Develop physical strength and flexibility  and increased positive thinking to create a mindset that will benefit all areas of your life 
  • Connect with your inner wisdom through a regular practice of Dru yoga, supporting you to respond rather than react to life's challenges 

Join Joshna Patel at 7pm for a 30 minute Course Q & A 

Born in a family of yogis, Joshna has grown up surrounded by yoga from an early age. She brings to her teaching a wealth of authentic, indigenous yogic wisdom.

Her training as a nurse, as well as in Ayurveda reflects her passion for uniting eastern and western health philosophies. For the past 20 years, she's taught yoga programmes in hospitals, schools, businesses (particulary construction and transport companies), care homes and stress management all over the UK and abroad; Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Vancouver and India.

Now based in the West Midlands she offers workshops, yoga teacher training and home programmes to people from all walks of life—making Dru Yoga accessible to all age groups and fitness levels. Her emphasis is teaching people how to benefit from yoga in your own environment.

Joshna represents Dru Yoga extensively in exhibitions around the country such as the Yoga Show, and facilitates many projects that require teamwork.

Click on the link below to join the session:


Chandra looks forward to seeing you soon! 

Event Details: 

Date: Thursday 23rd May 2024

Time: 7:00 - 8.00pm UK time
Location: Online

Admission: Free




Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 19:00
Jordan Scotney, Dru Yoga student and musician
Dru Yoga teacher and musician

Dru Yoga has positively changed my life in all areas. I used to have some sort of block, a kind of disconnect with life. Now everything just flows and I can connect with life on a deeper level.

Julia Law testimonial
Yoga teacher, Cornwall

Taking this course has helped me to find balance and harmony in my life. No longer buffeted by the opinions and behaviour of others, I have been able to find my true self and be guided by achieving my true self in my actions, feelings, words and thoughts. This has brought me resilience. I like myself (me) far more. This light is shining and I know it is affecting others in a positive way. Don't look externally for what you desire, the answer lies by looking within. This course will give you that.

Avatar blue sky and cloud
Finance Manager, St Ann's Chapel, Cornwall, UK

I enjoyed all of this workshop, but particularly EBR3 and the flowing tree. My overall impression was that this workshop was great; very peaceful and as a complete beginner, easy for me to do.

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