3 Masterclass Bundle - Emotional Excellence, Boost Energy & Brain Health | DruYoga.com



3 Masterclass Bundle - Emotional Excellence, Boost Energy & Brain Health

11 May, 2022
(Registration open till December 2025)

3 Masterclass Bundle

Masterclass 1 - Emotional Excellence
11 May 2022

Be happy with who you are.

Learning how to master our emotions is a key player in designing the life you want! What habits are holding you back and what visions do you have for your future? Become the co-creator and re-design your way forward. Learn solutions to manage and empower your emotions, call back your power and re-claim a happy and confident you.

Utilising the five Ayurveda pathways, create a plan that works for you as a unique individual. Learn the most powerful techniques to transform fear to courage, anger to passion and self-loathing to self-love. An unforgettable journey awaits you.

Masterclass 2 - Boost Your Energy & Beat Burnout
8 Jun 2022

Fatigue has to be one of the highest causes of stress both at work and at home. It affects all areas of our lives.

We all get fatigued for different reasons: work-life balance, burnout, female cycle, weight issues, travel. It can affect our relationships, enthusiasm, mood and our general self-worth.

Learn how to improve your energy on all levels and on the five koshas (layers) of your being. Utilising the Ayurveda five pathway formula, let’s look at what foods are best for you, including supplements, movement, mantra and meditation, body oils and lifestyle advice to design a whole new you.

Discover simple and practical ways to super-charge your mind and body bringing the best insight of experts, with years of experience, into your living room.

How to boost energy levels and beat burnout.

Masterclass - Brain Health: the best decision you’ll ever make!
27 Jul 2022

Feeling brain fog; overwhelmed; not at your peak performance for most of the day; experiencing the mind swayed by desires and addictions?

In this session you’ll discover the nature of the mind, how it works and how to focus better and learn to be calm and relaxed.

Learn how to create a beautiful mind utilising the five pathways in Ayurveda. What foods, yoga, meditation and mantra, therapies, supplements and simple lifestyle adjustments can you make to finely tune the way you think. Whatever your mental and emotional moments, whether it’s anxious, critical or lack of willpower, you will find a solution for you.

Make better decisions, communicate with confidence, feel relaxed and at ease and co-create your destiny.

If you are a member of the Dru Professional Network you will be able to accrue 6 CPD hours for attendance at all these masterclasses. Attendees from other yoga schools will need to check individually for their own CPD credits.

See you there!

11th May 2022
8th June 2022
27th July 2022

Times: 7.00pm-8.00pm
Bundle Price: £65



Wednesday, May 11, 2022 - 19:00
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - 20:00
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Keith was such an inspiration with his delicious dishes and I felt very nourished by our shared meal. I especially enjoyed the creamed carrots and will definitely be making it for my family. I was also reminded that it's not just about the cooking and that putting love and intent into it is what makes a real difference.

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I really enjoyed the {Dru Yoga & Ayurvedic Cookery} workshop. It had a nice balance of yoga movement, relaxation and meditation/concentration that was not too challenging for a novice like me. The cookery demonstration was great fun and the food was delicious. Also everyone was friendly and the venue was good too. Thanks for a lovely day.

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Teacher, Cornwall

We had a really great day yesterday.  The mixture of yoga, relaxation, cooking demonstrations and eating was just right.  It has left me wanting to know more about doshas and how yoga and food can balance someone.  We also loved the partner poses, beautiful and fun.

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