Wednesday Night Live: Light up in Lockdown. Nov 2020 |



Wednesday Night Live: Light up in Lockdown. Nov 2020

11 November, 2020
(Registration open till December 2025)

During lockdown, how do we keep our inner light shining brightly?

At this dark time of year, there are many high energy points that can help us reconnect with our highest self. In this instance Diwali—Festival of Light, which is observed by over a billion people worldwide as a celebration of the inner light and fresh beginnings.

At Dru, we love marking this important time of the year. We invite you to join us for an inspirational evening of stories, music, meditation and movement, dedicated to bringing light and hope into our hearts and communities.

You will hear real stories of how light has brought victory of light over darkness and hope over despair. Also ancient stories that are allegories for the inner challenges we face during lockdown.

Share Dru's powerful movements which bring harmony and alignment to body, heart and mind. Meditate together with a worldwide community and send waves of hope and joy into the world, when they're most needed. Share mantra and kirtan to uplift the heart and soul. 

Please do share this event with your friends and students.


Price: FREE
(or optional donation of £5 to help us fund this event)

Time: 7pm-8.15pm 



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 - 19:00
Avatar daffodil
Administrator, Newport

A great confidence builder/giver. A place to feel loved and nurtured. I felt the benefit I gained from working with others was fundamental and invaluable to the start of my learning process.

Photo for female testimonial
Creating Confidence with Soul, Hebden Bridge
The Dru yoga teacher training is so much more than learning how to teach yoga! Is is an entire personal development system that helps you find peace in yourself and in a crazy and chaotic world. Love yourself enough to do it!
Dru Teacher, Nottingham

The course has helped me to understand the ‘nuts and bolts’ of how Dru yoga works. I feel that it has been great for self-development and identification. It has help me progress in future learning and further development. I also feel the course has inspired my teaching by bringing in more koshic awareness.

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