CPD Masterclass Dru Sequences refinements and updates - access now | DruYoga.com



CPD Masterclass Dru Sequences refinements and updates - access now

31 December, 2024
(Registration open till December 2024)

CPD Masterclass—Dru Sequences refinements and updates

with Angela Baker

Online—in your own time  $77 for DPN members;  $110 for non-DPN members

Part of our Masterclass series for Dru graduates; recording from August 2022.

Bring your teaching up to date with a look at recent refinements to Prithvi Namaskar and EBRs that our newest teachers are learning. 

In our DPN survey of graduates in 2021 one of the things yoga teachers most wanted was a regular, predictable program of short CPD events, in addition to the longer courses that have been the main ways of gaining CPD in recent times. 

You will accrue 2 DPN Yoga or 2 Meditation CPD professional development points for attending this Masterclass. 


Prices and booking

$77 DPN price $110 Full price

For more information 

Dru Professional Network
Email: drunetwork@dru.com.au
Tel: 02 6161 1462


Tuesday, December 31, 2024 - 16:30
avatar calm sky and sea

On the 5 day spirituality challenge leading up to this course, I realised I did not love myself. Since starting on the Spirituality of Yoga course and working with the practices, I have experienced a deep cellular healing, a shifting in my emotions, deepening into a sense of peace and quiet control/flow of life.

I have had so many realisations on this course; one in particular was a feeling of falling in love with my practice...and wondering if this could lead to an unconditional love commitment to myself to uphold a deeper consistent practice?....

Another insight was a deep self acceptance of where I am at now, giving myself permission to listen to my inner promptings and act on them; rather than see myself as failing when I don't meet my rigid expectations. A bit of freedom..

This course is a must for any spiritual seeker who is looking to deeply anchor and regularly maintain their spiritual practice. You will never look back as you create your own spiritual unfoldment and community to support and carry you forwards. I so look forward to our continuing journey. Thank you to all our Tutors for their sincere, joyful and ongoing commitment to helping us achieve spiritual greatness.

Dru Yoga teacher training course testimonial
Scientist, Coventry

The course has been so inspiring to me as an individual who was simply interested in yoga at the beginning. I have learned so much from the tutors and my peers and hope to share my learnings with lots of other people in my classes. The depth of the experience has been immense and has developed my passion for yoga philosophy and has made me want to learn so much more - consequently have signed up for my next course already.

GP receptionist & yoga teacher, Rushden, Northants

I enjoyed the sequences and the meditation before lunch. I enjoyed the afternoon sequence, tree flow and meditation.

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